Thursday 12 March 2015

Birthday Weekend: Primal Pantry, Brisbane

By the time we hopped off the plane on Friday (6th of March) and made our way to the hire car it was safe to say we were starving. I'd done a little bit of research before leaving about interesting places to eat, thankfully Primal Pantry was not far away.

Primal Pantry is a 100% Gluten Free and Paleo restaurant situated in three locations around Brisbane. We visited the Teneriffe Village location on the corner of Florence and Macquarie Street.
I personally am not on a Paleo diet, I just couldn't go past the 100% Gluten free sign on their menu.
I was inundated with options when I viewed the menu and despite having 'studied' it before I left Melbourne it was still hard to decide on one dish. I finally settled on the Mexican Beef Cheeks with crispy tortilla and cucumber salsa, for $20.50AUD. Brody ordered the Primal Grill for $27.50AUD.

Mexican Beef Cheeks

The Mexican Beef Cheeks were nicely flavoured, however they massively overdid the garnish. Though tougher than other chunks of beef it was still delicious and the combination of the cucumber salsa and herbed sauce was beautiful. The tortillas weren't what I would usually call 'crispy' but they were firm enough to fold up with the meat and salsa filling still inside. The flavour of the tortillas was of coconut and nut. Delicious as an after taste even though I'm usually not massive on coconut flavour. Once I removed the garnish the flavours worked well together.

Although I was not disappointed with the food, Brody was. His meal didn't fill him up and I couldn't expect it to with the portion size, fine for me but not for his appetite. The pork ribs were more bone than rib although delicious and the meat just fell off the bone. The steak looked a little tough from what I saw, it may have just been dense, the sausages were lovely in the tomato relish they provided. It is definitely a lovely place to eat but only once or twice a year perhaps and for those with a larger appetite it's probably not the best option.
For me it was wonderful to see lots of variety that you don't often see in restaurants and although I probably wouldn't go back for those on a Paleo diet it is a beautiful place.

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