Tuesday 10 February 2015

My New Best Friend: Gluten Free Eating App

This weekend while researching places to eat while up in Surfers Paradise on the Gluten Free Eating Directory website; I noticed their banner about the new Gluten Free Eating Directory smart-phone app.
Interested to have the website on the go, I downloaded the app to my phone.
The interface is extremely user friendly with a decent sized black menu bar running across the top of the screen. The home screen (pictured below) features the websites banner, a large green button (which functions the same as the 'Search GF' on the top menu bar); to the left of the large search button are three smaller buttons in varying shades of green; About Us, e-News and Disclaimer. Finally at the bottom of the home page for those who have their location turned on there is an automatic updating 'gluten free near me section' this list will refresh with the closest listed gluten free eateries and stores close to you.

The About Us, e-News (newsletter sign up) and Disclaimer are all very straight-forward. They all take you to their respective pages.

The 'Search' button takes you to a secondary page (pictured below) where you can choose the type of store you are looking for.

Choices include;
  • Eateries and Shops;
  • Online Shopping
  • Products/Manufacturers
  • Services and Publications

If you don't have your GSP location turned on like myself, you can click on the 'Near Me' button on the top menu and type in your location. It will bring up the same search screen as the Eateries and Shops. Type in your suburb, street and any other information and a list will come up containing the information on close gluten free shops that have been listed.

The final button is the suggest tab; this button is where people can suggest places, manufacturers and other such venues to the directory.

Although not every place that has Gluten Free options is listed; there is a vast database of places and some that I (even with my 8 years of wandering around and looking for places to eat) hadn't heard of. It has helped me find some rare stores that some people overlook or don't know about.

This app is definitely my new Coeliac Companion.

The app is free to download, available on both Android and Iphone platforms; however it will take mobile data to use the app.

For me it is worth using some of my 2GB monthly downloads to know that while I am out with friends a simple tap on my phone can bring out some recommended places for us to try.


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