Friday 26 June 2015

A wonderful way to enjoy a bagel.

At the start of the week, I posted about the Pure Bred bagels that I found on the shelf at Woolworths.
I asked for your help in deciding what I should have on my bagels, for I had never eaten a one before.
The suggestions I received, sounded delicious. I chose three of the suggestions and one of my own to help me review and discuss.

These Pure Bred 4 Poppy Seed bagels can be found in the bread aisle of Woolworths, You can purchase the pack of four for $5.75AUD.
The poppy seeds end up everywhere, so you should take care when removing the bagels from the packaging and cutting them in half. 
The bagels themselves are soft and tear easily rather than the rubbery bread that gluten free options usually provide. There was none of the dryness you may have come to expect from gluten free bread products. As the boiling process of bagel production usually creates they are slightly chewy but not in a negative way.
They don't taste under cooked or doughy and where the poppy seeds remain they provide a lovely texture. 

The first bagel combination that I tried was the breakfast bagel.
I scrambled eggs with chilli flakes and pan fried gluten free chorizo  and layered them together.

I warmed the bagel up slightly under the grill and the bagel became moist and soaked up the juice from both the egg and chorizo.

On the second day I decided to go with a lunch bagel. This option was suggested by Kahli; she said that two of her favourite combinations were tomato and cream cheese and salmon and cream cheese. I decided to combine both of her favourites into one. I spread cream cheese on the bagel, added sliced tomato and cucumber and then spread some chilli salmon over the top.
The sweet gooey texture of the cream cheese was balanced with the sharp spice from the chilli salmon. The tomato and cucumber slices provided a beautiful fresh flavour and wonderful crunch.

The third day saw me visit some exotic seasonings. I created a base of gluten free chicken and ham slices in a spiral with a dab of cream cheese in the center. I grated some carrot and sliced mini capsicums to add colour. Finally I added some lovely wasabi for an extra kick. This one tasted more like a sandwich roll but the denser dough reveals the difference. It was light and filling with small hits of the strong horse raddish flavour. It was absolutely fabulous. This creation was suggested by Vanessa. 

Finally, after all the savory bagels I had tried, I decided that it was worth seeing how the bagels handled sweet. The first person to suggest  a sweet dish was Manni. She suggested jam and berries however I wanted to try adding greek yoghurt and desiccated coconut to the mix. I wasn't sure how the poppy seeds would affect the sweet factor. I wiped off a majority of the poppy seeds and replaced it with the desiccated coconut.

The plain, dense bagel worked perfectly well with the fillings and balanced the overly sweet black forest of jam so that the combination didn't result in a sickly sugary laden treat.

I am not sure if I prefer these over plain bread rolls, I probably will purchase them again but at the same time if the bread rolls are cheaper it wouldn't make a different to me. The Pure Bred range however has provided some amazing quality in terms of their bread products and these bagels have piqued my interest as to the quality of their other products.

Let me know what other ways do you bagel? Also, If you have any other products you would like me to review or just a suggestion of a product you'd think I would enjoy, leave a comment on the post.

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Ashlee xx.

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