Sunday 4 May 2014

Please stop, you’re ruining my life!

No I’m not talking about my coeliacs, I’m talking about the mass wave of fad dieters.

A world becoming obsessed with eating healthy and clean eating is supposed to be a good thing, isn’t it?

To me and the many other coeliacs around the world it is ruining our lives. I’ve done many rants like this on my personal Facebook, they always end up with people telling me I am over reacting, but I’m not.

Being a part of an active community, I have several ‘health nuts’ let’s call them on my Facebook. For the past year I have had to see them put up posts and photos about their new Gluten free diets and I have to bite my tongue. I make my position on this subject extremely clear and am finally writing this post to explain in further detail why the gluten free fad diet is ruining my life.

I’d like to say before I start that I have nothing against those who are trying a gluten free diet for medical reasons. I personally know that you don’t have to be medically diagnosed to know something doesn’t agree with you. I can’t eat too many apples, they make me feel sick but I don’t have a fructose intolerance.

I also am not having a go at anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle. Eating right and exercising daily is important to your wellbeing not only physically but mentally as well. My problem is with those who treat gluten free like the next biggest weight loss secret, or a miracle diet that will keep them alive longer. It’s not; it is a horrific upheaval of lifestyle for most people.

Coeliacs, gluten intolerance and gluten-sensitivity are a life challenge that we have to get up and face everyday; it’s simple, we eat any amount of gluten and we end up incredibly ill. It costs us hundreds of more dollars than ‘normal’ people for us to eat. I pay $6AUD for a loaf of bread when my partner can buy one for $1AUD. I pay an extra $5AUD for pizza and on average have to pay an extra $3AUD in a restaurant for gluten free pasta. We can’t just go to the bakery and get a muffin. I have to travel across town buy meat pies, which cost $7AUD each!

The fact is that the Gluten free fad dieters belittle and hinder the problems we have to face.

You are probably asking how does it do that? Or  if more people are eating gluten-free, doesn’t that mean that a larger amount of gluten-free products will come out on the market, making it easier for you to eat?

Yes, yes it does but it creates its own whirl wind of problems; It’s simple. As the number of people cutting gluten out of their diet as part of the latest diet trend, thanks to celebrities and healthy living personalities increases, people forget that coeliacs is a larger issue. They forget that cross contamination like chopping my bread and normal bread on the same chopping board will leave me in bed for days because they don’t take me seriously anymore! When I ask for a gluten free option at a restaurant most waitresses roll their eyes believing I’m one of those fad dieters. How can I be sure that they aren’t just going to give me a normal meal and claim that it is gluten free? I’ve once had a chef when we complained that there was pasta in our GF rice dish tell me to take my complaint about my make up disease to some one who cares. This is what you are doing to us!

It has become so much harder to eat out at restaurants now then it was three or four years ago. Our gluten free options are being stuffed in the same display windows as the wheat filled food, sometimes touching meaning we can’t eat them due to cross contamination.  All  because no one thinks of Coeliacs as a life threatening allergy. It’s true that we don’t need an epi-pen and that our symptoms may not be instantaneous but our disease or allergy is serious. We are being belittled in the face of those wanting to be on trend and I’m sick of it.

Another result of these fad diets is that my bread is becoming harder to buy, the fad dieters are snapping it up because they think it is healthier for them. Please, I beg you to stick to the whole wheat breads instead of taking away the product that myself and others rely on as our only available option.

There are healthier ways to live and trust me it isn’t a gluten free diet because I am no super model and I have to eat that way. Please stop helping creating the illusion that coeliacs is a joke and help myself and the others out there that medically need to avoid gluten at all costs stay safe in the world.

This was a bit of a longwinded post but it is something that I am extremely passionate about. I am sorry if I have offended anyone but we can’t live in a world where our allergies are made a laughing stock.

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