Friday 24 April 2015

AGFL "The Box" - April

As a Coeliac, when it comes to testing out new products, I personally am a bit hesitant. Not because i'm fearful that i may accidentally gluten myself, i've certainly had enough practice at reading labels these past seventeen years. It's because of the price tag and the fact that gluten free food doesn't always have the best taste. I would hate to spend money on a product, only to find out I don't enjoy it. Especially when the price is marked up for Gluten-Free.

In Early February, I found the Australian Gluten Free Life magazine at my local newsagent, I was instantly enthralled and bought a copy. The magazine comes out quarterly and they are currently up to Issue 4; If you are an Australian coeliac then you probably know it.
While I was reading that issue there was a lovely advert for their venture the AGFL "The Box", the first ever Australian gluten free subscription box.
That caught my attention. I hadn't heard of it before.
The box can be purchased month to month for $30AUD (including shipping) or as a 3 month subscription for $80AUD (including postage). You can find both box options and the option to subscribe to their magazine on their website.
Unfortunately, I couldn't afford the March box but I did manage to snag an April one; for my first box I just purchased a one month to ensure that I liked the box before committing to three months of it. After opening this box I can definitely say I will be subscribing to the three month option.

The box arrived today while I was at work and it took all my effort not to open it then and there. However I managed it; you can find photos and details of the contents of the April box below.

The box was in white, with a small blue sticker in the top corner and a gorgeous hand written tag. It's so cute. On the top inside of the box there was a welcome note, with their Instagram and facebook link. You can also hash tag your box pictures with #agflthebox for your chance to win another box.

On top of the baby blue tissue paper was an envelope with the same calligraphy font. Inside there was my product card, a promotional card for one of the products and a recipe card that used one of the products in the box.

There were nine samples in the box, all full size; I've tallied their prices and provided you with links to each of the companies, where you may be able to purchase the products and the product card descriptions. 

 Anathoth Farm; Sweet Chilli Relish.
"From a weekend market in New Zealand to supermarket shelves in Australia. Anathoth Farm has certainly grown over the last 26 years. Their Sweet Chilli Relish was awarded 2015 Relish of the year at the Australian Product of the Year Awards."
Stocked at Coles for $4.83AUD for 420g.

I had to taste this the moment I saw it. It is slightly spicy, but with a nice natural tang of sweet. Absolutely delicious.

 Blue Dinosaur: Paleo Bars, Ginger Nut.
"Made from just five ingredients (apricots, almonds, coconut, coconut oil and ginger) there are no hidden nasties in Blue Dinosaurs Paleo Bars. Not only are they preservative free they're also free from gluten, dairy, soy and have no added sugar"
You can by these online in packs of 12 for $47.40AUD.

 Cobs Popcorn; Slightly Salty and Slightly Sweet
"Cobs Natural Range is made from 100 percent wholegrain corn and is free from anything artificial. The 30g bags are the perfect cure for 3.30-itis"

I am not sure about these 30g packs, but you can buy the 80g packs for $2.85AUD from Woolworths.

 La Zuppa; Tom Yum Soup
"For a super simple gluten-free snack all you need is boiling water when you have La Zuppa in the pantry. The new Just Add Water range is available in five delicious flavours"

I'm not sure if there were other flavours sent out but I managed to get Tom Yum soup.

You can buy these packs that contain two servings each at Woolworths for $2.99AUD.
Spotted Cow Cookies;Triple Chocolate Fudge
"What's a cuppa without a good biscuit to acompany it. The Spotted Cow Chocolate Fudge Cookie is a chocolate lovers dream. It's made with pure couverture milk and white chocolate pieces"
This was hands down my favourite product, with the relish coming a close second. I adore chocolate and this cookie was moist and fudgy.
Sadly there aren't many stockists in Victoria, they have a list on their website, but you can also buy them in packs of 12 on sale at the moment for $24.75AUD
Pukka, Incredible Organic Herbs; Tea Samples
"Put the kettle on take five with a delicious herbal tea from Pukka. Their teas are certified organic and are made from ingredients that have been sustainably harvested"
There are three samples;
Love: Rose, Chamomile and Lavender
Peppermint & Licorice: Self explanatory really
Revitalise: Cinnamon, Cardamon and Ginger

As far as I can see, you can only buy these online at their site for $7.95AUD for a box of 20.

 Lucky Nuts: Almond Meal with Chia.
"Almond meal has long been a staple of gluten-free baking. Now thanks to Lucky you can enjoy the same great tasting almond meal with added health benefits in Lucky Almond Meal with Chia and Lucky Almond Meal with Quinoa"
I believe both of these products which are new on the market were sent out in the boxes. I received the Almond meal with chia. This is a product I will definitely use.
As a new product I can't find a price but the traditional almond meal is $10.99AUD.

When taking into the considering the size of portions and full size products the total of the box is $27.88AUD.
For the $30AUD including shipping I think that this box is totally worth it. I do enjoy tea, I loved the cookies, I love baking with almond meal. The relish was insane and I love both the popcorn (from previous experiences) and i have had great experiences with the microwaveable tub soups from La Zuppa. I am not a big fan of health food bars and it is probably not an item I will purchase for myself but I am definitely willing to give the blue dinosaurs a go.

I will be subscribing to the box again.; so you'll see a whole new unboxing blog post next month.

Ashlee xx

Don't forget to check us out on Facebook
I post real time photos on there and you can let me know if there are any products you have tried or would like me to try.

Wednesday 1 April 2015

A Coeliac Easter

When everyone around you begins buzzing with the talk of chocolate and large family lunches, you can almost be positive that Easter is around the corner.
This year my office is preparing an Easter egg hunt. I will watch as my co-workers devour their findings but being a coeliac I will more than likely be unable to consume any myself.
Upsetting though it may seem I have over the last 17 years learned to deal with events or occasions. Thankfully as I always had my mum looking out for me as a chocolate loving kid, I never felt deprived.
If this year is your first Easter as a coeliac or gluten intolerant then I hope you find this post useful. If you are here looking to cater for a coeliac of gluten intolerant;  friend,  co-worker, significant other or family member; thank you. Finally if you are a seasoned coeliac please feel free to leave your own tips and helpful information in the comments.

The number one rule when it comes to Easter Eggs  is of course, as always read the labels. Manufacturers can always change the ingredients lists or add allergen statements without you knowing unless you read. There are multiple guides to be found online about how to read labels or you can check out my own little guide which can be found here. 
The second rule when it comes to chocolate and Easter is that it is always safer to avoid flavours and fillings. Ask yourself, does this have a gooey peppermint center, if the answer is yes then it is safer to leave it out.
One of the most common unsafe ingredients added to chocolate bars is Barley Malt Extract which can be found in a variety of chocolates including Lindt and Maltesers.There is however no need to fret, there are still some Gluten Free eggs that us chocolate lovers or our kids can indulge in this Easter weekend.  
Of course the celebrations aren't limited to chocolate; family get-to-gethers, friendly catch-ups and all sorts of other events can take place over a long weekend.
Some great tips if you are eating out over the Easter period can be found here.  
If you are going to a family or friends for lunch or dinner, don't forget to let them know or remind them about your allergies. The one thing I've had to remember is that just because gluten, cross-contamination and crippling food allergies are at the front of your mind doesn't mean that everyone else will remember. In fact from my experience more than half the people, including my extended family will forget that I can't have that gravy they've just poured all over my baked potato.

A few ways you can ensure that you don't go hungry but don't feel like a burden are:
  • Offer to bring a side dish or small part of the meal
  • Eat before hand.
  • Pack some sneaky back up snacks, just in case!
Whilst the chocolate isn't all Easter is about, if you have children or maybe a 23 year old obsessed with chocolate, it's a big part of the holiday.
Although nothing beats reading the ingredient labels and I still strongly reccomend you do; I have compiled a list of the most popular brands in Woolworths, Coles and other department stores and have created a quick glance guide as to whether or not they are gluten free.